Learn to pronounce crush

  1. compress or squeeze forcefully so as to break, damage, or distort in shape.
    "the front of his car was crushed in the collision"
    synonyms: squash, squeeze, press, compress, pulp, mash, macerate, mangle, flatten, trample on, tread on, squidge, splat, smush, pulverize, pound, grind, break up, smash, shatter, crumble, crunch, splinter, mill, pestle, triturate, comminute, bray, levigate, powderize, kibble
  2. (of a government or state) violently subdue (opposition or a rebellion).
    "the king crushed the rebellion"
    synonyms: suppress, put down, quell, quash, squash, stamp out, put an end to, put a stop to, overcome, overpower, defeat, extinguish, vanquish, triumph over, break, bring someone to their knees, repress, subdue
  3. bring about a feeling of overwhelming disappointment or embarrassment in (someone).
    "his defeat crushed a lot of supporters"
    synonyms: mortify, humiliate, abash, chagrin, deflate, demoralize, flatten, squash, devastate, shatter, put down, shoot down in flames, take down a peg or two, cut down to size, put someone in their place, make someone eat humble pie, settle someone's hash, knock the stuffing out of, make someone eat crow

  1. a crowd of people pressed closely together, especially in an enclosed space.
    "a number of youngsters fainted in the crush"
    synonyms: crowd, throng, horde, swarm, sea, mass, pack, press, multitude, mob, huddle, jam, congestion, rout
  2. a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable or inappropriate.
    "she did have a crush on Dr. Russell"
    synonyms: infatuation, obsession, love, passion, passing fancy, pash, puppy love, calf love, mash
  3. a drink made from the juice of pressed fruit.
    "lemon crush"
    synonyms: squash, fruit juice, cordial, drink

a · to squeeze or force by pressure so as to alter or destroy structure. crush grapes ; b · to squeeze together into a mass. She crushed her clothes into a bag.


2022 ‧ Romance/Comedy ‧ 1h 32m
6.3/10 · IMDb 56% · Metacritic 79% · Rotten Tomatoes
When a young artist is forced to join her high school track team, she uses it as a chance to pursue the girl for whom she's been harbouring a crush. But she finds herself falling for an unexpected teammate and discovering what real love feels...
Initial release: April 29, 2022
Director: Sammi Cohen
Distributed by: Hulu
Cinematography: Matthew Wise
Music by: St. Panther
Production companies: Animal Pictures; American High; Depth of Field Productions; 3 Arts Entertainment; LD Entertainment
People also ask
What is the definition of a crush?
a : a strong feeling of romantic love for someone that is usually not expressed and does not last a long time.
What does having a crush feel like?
These chemicals may cause one to be giddy, euphoric, and even to experience suppressed hunger and sleep cues. You may recall a time when someone made your heart thud erratically in your chest, heat rise in your body making you blush, and the sensation of being tongue-tied or not able to form coherent thoughts.
What's the difference between crush and love?
How is crush different from love? A crush is often based on physical attraction and tends to be a short-term feeling. Love tends to involve a deeper level of understanding and deep affection, usually developing over time.
Is crush a LGBT movie?
A coming of age queer movie where the coming out isn't the main part of the plot but the actually love story is. Love and crushes often are different in realty than what we imagine in our minds and that is exactly what the movie tries to show us.
Crush. from m.imdb.com
Rating (9,808)
An aspiring young artist joins her high school track team and later discovers what real love feels like when she finds herself falling for an unexpected ...
Crush. from www.hulu.com
When an aspiring young artist is forced to join her high school track team, she uses it as an opportunity to pursue the girl she's been harboring a ...
Crush. from www.crushsoda.com
Jan 10, 2014 · Crush offers an exciting rush of flavor and fun in every sip. As the original orange soda, Crush has a long history of delighting consumers with ...